“‘Nothing will work unless you do’”, a quote from Maya Angelou that the new 9th grade English teacher Mrs. Heindel keeps on her wall. It shows that hard work pays off, and that is why Mrs. Heindel is here” said Tyler Funke. “I knew I wanted to be in education and I was open to what that might look like. I love what I’m doing and teaching has been a dream of mine” said Mrs. Heindel. “English is what she enjoys teaching most though” said Tyler Funke. “So I really love this content area and books. I love poetry, non fiction, text, fiction. Yeah, I have some background knowledge on that” explained Mrs. Heindel. “She came to Northeastern, and it wasn’t that far of a trip either” said Tyler Funke. “So before teaching here at Northeastern, I taught at Lancaster County Christian School, a private school in Lancaster, and I taught 9th and 10th grade English there for two years. After that, towards the end of my second year, I applied for graduate school at Millersville University and I was awarded graduate assistant-ship, and so for two years, I was a full time graduate assistant there, and that required my full schedule and time. So I left teaching at a private school to become a full time grad student and grad assistant and then after I finished that, I ended up here. I also substitute taught along the way for a couple years” said Mrs. Heindel. “Out of all grades, high school students are her favorite to teach” said Tyler Funke. “I love teaching at the secondary level. As a substitute, I taught kindergarten, first grade, elementary all the way up through high school and I was open to almost anything because I love teaching reading as well as the content area of English. I like teaching reading skills too, which is a really good crossover, those blend together really well. So I enjoy the younger age groups and I was open to that but, I just love secondary level because the level of discussion we can have is so meaningful and already I’ve had days in this classroom where the discussion has just been really good because you can get to a different level of critical thinking with high school kids, so I enjoy that and I like both 9th and 10th grade” exclaimed Mrs. Heindel. “And she is loving everything about Northeastern” said Tyler Funke. “It’s been great meeting everyone, from the administration to the other teachers, staff, everyone is great and it’s been exciting to meet them. I’m really happy here” finished Mrs. Heindel. “Tyler Funke reporting for High Street Media” finished Tyler Funke.
Reported by: Tyler Funke “‘Nothing will work unless you do’”, a quote from Maya Angelou that the new 9th grade English teacher Mrs. Heindel keeps on her wall. It shows that hard work pays off, and that is why Mrs. Heindel is here” said Tyler Funke. “I knew I wanted to be in education and I was open to what that might look like. I love what I’m doing and teaching has been a dream of mine” said Mrs. Heindel. “English is what she enjoys teaching most though” said Tyler Funke. “So I really love this content area and books. I love poetry, non fiction, text, fiction. Yeah, I have some background knowledge on that” explained Mrs. Heindel. “She came to Northeastern, and it wasn’t that far of a trip either” said Tyler Funke. “So before teaching here at Northeastern, I taught at Lancaster County Christian School, a private school in Lancaster, and I taught 9th and 10th grade English there for two years. After that, towards the end of my second year, I applied for graduate school at Millersville University and I was awarded graduate assistant-ship, and so for two years, I was a full time graduate assistant there, and that required my full schedule and time. So I left teaching at a private school to become a full time grad student and grad assistant and then after I finished that, I ended up here. I also substitute taught along the way for a couple years” said Mrs. Heindel. “Out of all grades, high school students are her favorite to teach” said Tyler Funke. “I love teaching at the secondary level. As a substitute, I taught kindergarten, first grade, elementary all the way up through high school and I was open to almost anything because I love teaching reading as well as the content area of English. I like teaching reading skills too, which is a really good crossover, those blend together really well. So I enjoy the younger age groups and I was open to that but, I just love secondary level because the level of discussion we can have is so meaningful and already I’ve had days in this classroom where the discussion has just been really good because you can get to a different level of critical thinking with high school kids, so I enjoy that and I like both 9th and 10th grade” exclaimed Mrs. Heindel. “And she is loving everything about Northeastern” said Tyler Funke. “It’s been great meeting everyone, from the administration to the other teachers, staff, everyone is great and it’s been exciting to meet them. I’m really happy here” finished Mrs. Heindel. “Tyler Funke reporting for High Street Media” finished Tyler Funke. Reported by: Fatou Sawaneh
You hear about it all the time on the announcements. Alex Raymond will say, “A representative from ‘so and so’ College will be in the College and Career Center today.” And maybe it doesn’t mean anything to you, so you block that information out. But many would be surprised at just how much this little room right across the cafeteria can change lives. “We advertise on BBC, for the colleges, and we advertise in the hallway. Students can come down and look at all of the brochures and packets we have for the college, from colleges. We have FAFSA information, we have scholarship information, we have military information, so we have a big variety, depending on what students want to do,” says Mrs. Neiman, the head of the College and Career Center. The College and Career center isn’t just a simple room. You don’t just walk in, grab a brochure, and head out. Yes, there are packets and folders and a lot of papers, but what kind of school would Northeastern be if we didn’t provide personal assistance to aid students in their future endeavors? “What we try to do,” Mrs. Neiman explains “is schedule different schools around the area to come in, have a representative come in, and students can come down and sign up and talk to the reps, find out a little bit about their schools.” The main goal is to help students prepare for college, and for the years beyond that. The college visits take place here, and sometimes only a few students show up. That’s totally fine, though, because that also means that the representatives from each college can work intensively with each of them to make sure they properly grasp the information about the post secondary school. “Well basically what you have to is… start definitely in ninth grade to keep your grades up. I mean, a lot of kids think that they can wait, and not try as hard in their early years of high school,” says Mrs. Neiman They’ve got everything you’ll need to know keep yourself on track while in High School. Should you take the SAT’s? Is financial aid a good idea? How far away are prospective colleges? There are so many opportunities in store for the students here at Northeastern High School, and the College and Career is one place where they can achieve success - for now and for later. For High Street Media News, I’m Fatou Sawaneh. Reported by: Tyler Funke “Technology is rising, businesses created because of it. The 21st century is all about technology, and Mrs. Smith knows a bit about it too” said Tyler Funke. “I have a really good base knowledge I would say. I’m not as advanced as Mr. Weikert, but I do have a pretty good base knowledge about programs and how to use them and some technology stuff. I’ve never actually taken apart a computer and seen how it works. The only thing I’ve ever done in terms of that is taken them apart to clean them” Mrs. Smith explained. “Not only does she like technology, but so does some of her family” said Tyler Funke. “I do not have children, however I have two nephews, who are 2 and 6, and they both have iPad's and both love playing around with technology and stuff like that.” said Mrs. Smith. “She’s into learning more about computers too” said Tyler Funke. “If I were to pick one aspect of computers that I’d really like to learn more about, I really like different programs that are coming up and different ways I can incorporate those in my class, but also that my students will be able to take that knowledge and actually use it in real life applications” said Mrs. Smith. “Teaching here wasn’t her main goal, but she loves being involved with computers and being here” exclaimed Tyler Funke. “I originally went to school for business management with a minor in international business, so that is my real passion in the business department, but I do really like working with computers and obviously I think that’s, where the world not only is at, but it’s just going to keep growing, so I think that you either need to get on the ship or you’re going to be left” described Mrs. Smith. “She’s been to other spots in the U.S, but wanted to pursue teaching in one specific state” said Tyler Funke. “So I’m originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and I was teaching in North Dakota and I wanted to get back to Pennsylvania, so I applied all over the state and then I ended up at Northeastern and I've loved it” said Mrs. Smith. “Teaching at Northeastern is different from where she was before” said Tyler Funke. “Yes it's obviously a lot different than in North Dakota. In North Dakota, in 7-12, we only had 22 kids. I have 25 kids in each of one of my classes, so I have more kids in each class than we had in the whole school, so I would love to know every student and teacher. It's going to take a little time, but yes, I'm excited” elucidated Mrs. Smith. “Tyler Funke reporting for High Street Media” finished Tyler Funke. |